Due an old injury (yep, the same one that got me a fracture in my skull) my jaw dislocates sometimes, usually when I brush for too long or yawn. When this happens, it's so supremely painful that I just collapse with the pain which then takes couple of hours to subside. I then need to manually to re-align my jaw. After which, I can't open my jaw completely for the next couple of days. Then there's always the accompanying stiffness, the numbness and the general discomfort while chewing. All in all... I dread the times when my jaw accidentally dislocates.
This morning, I was on my bike on way to the gym and I yawned and my jaw dislocated. If this had happened prior to being introduced to NLP, I might have just fallen off the bike and hurt myself big time.
But something unusual happened today- the very second my jaw dislocated, that very moment, my brain or what Ashwin calls my neurology switched into a pain control technique. I mere seconds I pushed back the pain mentally, and simultaneously without using my hands managed to get the jaw back in place! It's unbelievable but the pain didn't last beyond 10 secs. I didn't even stop my bike, just continued to drive to the gym and did a full-workout.
I've been using the pain control technique quite often for the miscellaneous minor injuries that I keep experiencing, but it's never been a lifesaver like it was today.
Thank you Ashwin- for unlocking some mysterious 'heal thyself on steroids part of my brain'. It works like magic. I haven't even begun to fully comprehend what exactly happens...but it works and it saves me a great deal of pain. So Thanks again!
For those of you who want to know more about how cool NLP is, check this blog http://nlpbangalore.blogspot.com/
6 years ago